Shabbat at SAS 2020 Frequently Asked Questions
Who are you? Young Jewish Conservatives is a national grassroots movement in founded 2011. Its mission includes providing support for Jewish attendance at political conferences like SAS. This will be YJC’s fourth year providing a program at SAS. Where will the meals take place? Location will be sent out after registration and payment. Will all YJC-SAS meals and programming be kosher? Yes. while YJC has a diverse membership, as an organization it always conforms to mainstream orthodox kosher standards. All food comes from certified kosher caterers in South Florida, and a YJC staff member knowledgeable about the laws of kosher and Shabbat is on site to ensure everything is handled and stored appropriately. I keep Shabbat; what are some issues I may encounter? We will have a Rabbi on-site who can help, but a great starter guide for you would be this article:https://www.star-k.org/articles/kashrus-kurrents/501/the-travelers-halachic-guide-to-hotels/ Are Kosher meals available throughout all of SAS? Yes, by pre-order only. Deadline to order meals is Thursday, December 17 at 8:00pm. https://forms.gle/QqVCypNuL5eWYp2Y8 Other than meals, what else can I expect at YJC/SAS program? We expect to have special guest speaking at various points, as well as hosting discussion groups focused on the challenges and opportunities faced by Jewish conservative activists. For those interested, all prayers (davening) will be arranged as well. |