Young Jewish Conservatives is a national grassroots coalition that unites politically active conservative young Jews. Our mission is to empower politically conservative young Jews, providing them with the tools to defend their values and advocate for conservative causes. We are proud to label ourselves as conservatives and seek to strengthen the conservative movement.
YJC was founded in order to assert that politically conservative, young Jews need and deserve to have community that respects, supports and defends their values. For too long, Jews have been maligned for being politically conservative and have had to hide their beliefs from the public square. YJC is here to reverse this trend and spread conservatism to each new generation of young Jews.
Our beliefs stem from pride in our religious faith and Jewish identity. As a reflection of those values, YJC staunchly supports Israel as a critical ally to the United States and believes we bear a leadership role to be a strong advocate and voice in defense of Israel.
We seek to educate young Jews and those within our communities about the importance of Zionism and the ever-growing efforts to delegitimize Israel. We educate our members to uncompromisingly and effectively combat the growing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment on their college campuses and within their communities. YJC will push each member to understand the necessity to stand up and be outspoken advocates for conservatism, Judaism and Israel. We actively assist members who seek a professional career in politics, media or in the Jewish community.
YJC was founded in order to assert that politically conservative, young Jews need and deserve to have community that respects, supports and defends their values. For too long, Jews have been maligned for being politically conservative and have had to hide their beliefs from the public square. YJC is here to reverse this trend and spread conservatism to each new generation of young Jews.
Our beliefs stem from pride in our religious faith and Jewish identity. As a reflection of those values, YJC staunchly supports Israel as a critical ally to the United States and believes we bear a leadership role to be a strong advocate and voice in defense of Israel.
We seek to educate young Jews and those within our communities about the importance of Zionism and the ever-growing efforts to delegitimize Israel. We educate our members to uncompromisingly and effectively combat the growing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment on their college campuses and within their communities. YJC will push each member to understand the necessity to stand up and be outspoken advocates for conservatism, Judaism and Israel. We actively assist members who seek a professional career in politics, media or in the Jewish community.