YJC Parker Mantell's Commencement Speech at Indiana University
CPAC Links:
See here for an article about our presence in 2012:http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/02/17/young-jewish-conservatives-make-a-name-for-themselves-at-cpac/
And 2013:
And 2014:
And 2015: http://www.commdiginews.com/featured/cpac-ends-three-days-of-conservatism-in-washington-dc-37116/
And 2016:
See here for an article about our presence in 2012:http://www.algemeiner.com/2012/02/17/young-jewish-conservatives-make-a-name-for-themselves-at-cpac/
And 2013:
And 2014:
And 2015: http://www.commdiginews.com/featured/cpac-ends-three-days-of-conservatism-in-washington-dc-37116/
And 2016:
Young Jewish Conservatives: Smart and Funny
Eric Golub, Washinton Times Communities
A relatively new group, The Young Jewish Conservatives, brings politics, religion, and thoughtfulness to legions of new individuals hungry for real “change.”
The group is “Young Jewish Conservatives,” and like Outkast’s “Miss Jackson,” they are for real. I was privileged to speak before them at the March CPAC 2013 event.
The Jewish community still leans liberal, but there is a new generation ripe for a shift.
Young Jewish Conservatives Make a Name for Themselves at CPAC
Dmitrey Shapiro, Alghemeiner
The reception to their event was overwhelming, even though it was organized in as little as three weeks. For services and dinner, the suite was packed to capacity with more than 70 Jewish students, organizers, candidate and notable Jewish conservative stars such as the nationally syndicated talk radio host Michael Medved, who said Kiddush. One by one, dinner attendees listened to appeals from candidates from around the country – Jewish and otherwise – hoping to receive the organization’s blessing for their campaigns. Andrew Breitbart, the notorious founder of the Big Journalism blog; David Brog, the Jewish President of Christians United for Israel; Texas Senatorial Candidate Ted Cruz; Leadership Institute Vice President Steve Sutton; and others too numerous to list. As in the best communities, there was no pretense among the attendees. College students and luminaries sat side by side at the table for 3 meals from Friday to Saturday. Members of the Media, pundits, activists, students – ranging from Reform to Hassidic Jews – all enjoying each other’s company and the wonderful Kosher feasts. All attendees were encouraged to speak as long as they agreed to take the shot of Vodka or Scotch traditional after saying a “L’Chaim,” a toast, including the candidates.
Seven Fascinating Things I Learned in Israel
Sammy Levine, Front Page Magazine
I recently returned home from an unforgettable, two-week trip to Israel with the Young Jewish Conservatives. While there we spoke to members of the Israeli Knesset and Foreign Ministry, and traveled to parts of Israel—such as Hebron and Sderot—that most American groups never get to see because they are either politically incorrect or dangerous.
YJC Students Volunteer for the Republican Jewish Coalition's Jewish Outreach Effort

Republican Jewish Coalition members campaigning in Pennsylvania.
By Reuters | Sep.11,2012 | 7:31 AM
BALA CYNWYD, PENNSYLVANIA - A week before the High Holidays, Republican Jews are trying to build on the Democratic National Convention's debacle of removing and then reinstating Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in their party platform. Hundreds of Republican Jewish Coalition volunteers from all over the country, from New York to California, descended over the weekend on three of the swing states - Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, trying to stir the conversation within the congregations and the kitchen tables of Jewish families.
Democrats booing from the convention floor were a great excuse for the grassroots operation, but the RJC's border chair Sheldon Adelson's generous support of the campaign sure didn't hurt either.
So far the polls do not show any significant shift of the majority of the Jewish community's voting preferences, but the organizers of the grassroots effort in Pennsylvania are convinced that if among about 300,000 Jews there are 10-20% hesitating, then their votes are worth a door-to-door fight. Over the weekend, volunteers plowed through the neighborhoods in the Philadelphia suburbs, targeting Jewish households based on the database assembled by a company specializing in micro-targeting, and handed out over 30,000 leaflets.
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By Reuters | Sep.11,2012 | 7:31 AM
BALA CYNWYD, PENNSYLVANIA - A week before the High Holidays, Republican Jews are trying to build on the Democratic National Convention's debacle of removing and then reinstating Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in their party platform. Hundreds of Republican Jewish Coalition volunteers from all over the country, from New York to California, descended over the weekend on three of the swing states - Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, trying to stir the conversation within the congregations and the kitchen tables of Jewish families.
Democrats booing from the convention floor were a great excuse for the grassroots operation, but the RJC's border chair Sheldon Adelson's generous support of the campaign sure didn't hurt either.
So far the polls do not show any significant shift of the majority of the Jewish community's voting preferences, but the organizers of the grassroots effort in Pennsylvania are convinced that if among about 300,000 Jews there are 10-20% hesitating, then their votes are worth a door-to-door fight. Over the weekend, volunteers plowed through the neighborhoods in the Philadelphia suburbs, targeting Jewish households based on the database assembled by a company specializing in micro-targeting, and handed out over 30,000 leaflets.
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